Tiny Useful Updates to Catlog ✨

At Catlog, our focus has always been prioritizing the needs of businesses and creating the best tools to help them sell easily on social media.
Over the last few weeks, we’ve made some updates to help improve businesses & their customers’ experience using Catlog.
Let’s talk about a few of them.
1. Sharing Products
Most times, businesses still send products to their customers on WhatsApp or Instagram. This usually involves searching through their galleries and manually typing out the product information.
We’ve made it easier for businesses to share products with their customers. Businesses can now share items directly from Catlog by just clicking a button.
Each shared product comes with all the important information like the product name, price, and also a link to buy the product.

2. Featuring Products
Businesses often want to showcase their newest or best-selling products on their stores. This update makes it easy to do just that.
Featuring products allows businesses to put a spotlight on the products they want customers to notice the most, which can help boost sales, especially when they’re running special deals or promotions.

3. Turning Off WhatsApp
We’ve gotten feedback from several businesses, mentioning that they’d prefer that their customers don’t send orders to them on WhatsApp.
We’ve made an update to make this possible, now businesses can turn off WhatsApp checkout, making sure customers only pay for orders before checking out.
Turning off WhatsApp allows businesses to strictly take orders only on their store, thereby eliminating multiple order messages from their customers.

4. Duplicating Products
For businesses that have lots of similar products, they can now duplicate existing products. This would make it easier to create new products without having to do it from scratch every time.
Our goal as always is to help businesses sell easily on social media, if you’d like to start using Catlog, sign up here: https://app.catlog.shop
Stay tuned, we’ll be sharing more exciting updates soon.
Happy selling!